
110學年度第2學期跨院碩、博第一周線上課程 (包括遠距課程、提供尚未入境或因疫情隔離之師生使用)
Some iPhD & IMS Courses will be delivered by distance learning in the first week, please check the list

Course Number Course Title Course Title Remote learning Link for Feb. 14 - Feb. 18
11020IPHD501000 創意實作 Creative Lab: Emerging Technologies and New Media Ventures https://meet.jit.si/DreamalityLabMeetingsAndCourses
11020IPHD601300 策略與價值創造 Strategy and Value Creation https://nationaltsinghuauniversity-kyq.my.webex.com/join/pr1823439350
11020IPHD700100 書報討論 Seminar LINK
11020IMS 503800 3D即時互動、共創、共享平台 3D real-time interactive, co-creation and sharing platform 說明課程為2月19日下午3點,請連線參加
11020IMS 501600 雙語與雙語教育 Bilingualism and Bilingual Education: A Global Perspective 授課教師尚未入境,而因時差問題,教師入境前上課時間改為09:00-12:00