
Mandarin Course Requirements for NTHU International Students

Important Reminders

109 學年度起入學之外國學生實施(本校與中研院國際研究生學程和雙聯學位不在此限)
Apply to all international students who enroll in or after the 2020 fall semester, except for students enrolling in the Taiwan International Graduate Program or Dual-Degree program

The requirements for Master’s degree students

(一) 碩士班外國學生應於畢業前修畢 4 學分。
4 credit hours of Mandarin courses must be completed before graduating.
*Mandarin courses counting toward the specific requirement of each degree type include level I, II, or III of: Mandarin Basic, Mandarin Intermediate, Mandarin High-Intermediate, and Mandarin Advanced.

(二) 入學前具華語基礎能力者,得選擇至華語中心參加減/免修測驗。
Students enrolling with some proficiency in Chinese are encouraged to take the CLC Mandarin Credit Waiver Test.
1. 達到華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)「入門級」標準者,得免修華語課程 4 學分。
Passing TOCFL level A1 waives 4 Mandarin credit hours.
2. 未參加或未達華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)「入門級」標準者,應於畢業前修畢華語課程 4 學分。
Students who do not pass at least level A1 of the CLC Mandarin Credit Waiver Test must complete 4 credit hours of Mandarin courses before graduating.

(三) 檢具通過華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)「入門級」者,持成績單至華語中心辦理後,得免修華語課程 4 學分。
Students who pass level A1 of TOCFL may waive 4 credit hours of Mandarin courses. Students must take their TOCFL certificates to the CLC office to apply for waivers.

Students who pass the TOCFL test while enrolled in a CLC course may apply for a withdrawal from the course.

Previously earned Mandarin course credits from any of the four schools under the University System of Taiwan may be used to waive Mandarin credit hours. Please apply at NTHU CLC.